Monday, July 22, 2013

Pretty In Pink

I saw a bracelet like this at Charming Charlie's but I knew I could easily make it, so I did. Alls it took was an old necklace chain (I used a thick one), you could also use multiple for a more layered look, a strand of pearl beads, and one strip of one inch wide fabric. It's just a basic braid of the three topped of with some hot glue that way it doesn't unravel. Easy peasy lemon squeezy! I plan on making different variations in multiple colors. Lemme know if you have any suggestions. :)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fabric Scraps + Toilet Paper Roll = Cute Cuff

I use paper towel rolls as ribbon holders and have been saving paper towel rolls for some time. I got uber bored the other night but didn't want to start on a sewing project because I would be leaving town for a couple weeks and I'd hate to leave it undone for so long. It came to me when I cut a pair of powder blue bermudas into mid thigh shorts. I loved the fabric and it looked really good with lace so I picked another fabric scrap and cut them into strips and began braiding them. I wanted a bracelet so I took the toilet paper roll and cut it about half an inch down.

After I braided it I used my hot glue gun and glued it onto the toilet paper roll, sewed a button on the one end, then put a piece of lace on it in a loop to fasten. Cute and only took like 20 minutes tops! Plus from the extra fabric I made a cute keychain, too!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Dress Shirt to Bomb Shell

I'm fascinated with all things vintage. I love the style, the hair, and the attitude they rocked in that era. Although I couldn't go back to that I figured I'd try to bring a little bit of it back. I was given this shirt and wasn't too fond of it on me, but it had great shape and a lot of potential.

First thing I did was cut off the sleeves turning it into a tank top, then I cut off the bottom about an inch or so from the bust line.

 Next I cut the back to kind of mirror the front using a rotary blade. I gave it a 3/8'' seam allowance on the back and straps and folded the fabric under the bust line in half and sewed it onto the seam of the bust.

Sorry, I don't have a picture of how I did the bottoms, but I used the excess fabric from the top and used my favorite pair of underwear to draft the design but added a few inches to the waistline because I wanted them high waisted. I used the sleeves to thicken the crotch line then I sewed that onto the front side, then the back, then the sides together. I know this tutorial won't work for EVERY shirt, but hopefully it could offer at least a little inspiration. :)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Recycled Pop Bottles to Earring Stand

My step dad drinks more Mtn Dew than anyone I know. We don't do anything with the pop bottles other than throw them away, so for awhile now I've been keeping them and cutting off the bottoms because they looked like a flower and I could use them to decorate or something. Well, they sat on my desk for a while and when I made my last earring holder I sat some in there and I realized how perfect it was! So with some hot glue, tape, 5 bottle bottoms, a pencil and a half, and some glitter I made this recycled beau!

Weapon of mass destruction!
Just kidding.. although, it kinda was for me. I had it on reverse (not knowing any better.) so it took some major muscles pressing down on it to get it to drill. Well, Matthew came in and realized it was on reverse so he turned it on the right way for me and I continued to press down on it with all my muscles (not knowing any better) and it lost contact with the board and the drill got me a good one in the stomach. Ouch. 
Nevertheless, you will need a drill! 
**Make sure it's NOT on reverse!**

Using the drill put a hole the size of a standard pencil in the middle of the bottom of the pop bottle after you cut them down to about three quarters of an inch. (On one of the bottoms I didn't drill through it all the way. I did this because I wanted the pencil to set inside of it. It's your choice, but I found it worked better for me.)
I continued to cut through the rest of them completely. Cutting four regularly and just the one as the base half way. Next I threaded the pencil through the hole. Be sure your pencil is straight on both ends. (Not sharpened)
I left about 2 and a half inches between each bottle bottom. After I placed them I used hot glue under the opening and on top to help stabilize it. 
When I put the bottles over the pencil it tore the paint off the pencil because it was such a snug fit so I knew I couldn't paint it before therefor it would make it really hard to paint the pencil without getting it all over the bottles so I used masking tape and glitter to cover the pencil. It was super easy and what girl doesn't love a little sparkle? Yeah, I dunno any either. I used the sticky part of the tape to hold the glitter then the hot glue gun to attach the tape to the pencils. Slowly, tier after tier it came together! 

Nothing beats a free craft that helps the environment!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Revamped Earring Holder

My sister got this I don't even know how many years ago when she had a crazy obsession for monkeys. Well, that obsession passed and it was just lying around so I upcycled it into something more age appropriate using birthday tulle.

I cut some of the strips of tulle into thirds and some I left whole or folded over for a thicker flower. I wanted definition, but I recommend trying a few different techniques and seeing which you like best. Starting at the end fold the paper over and over until you can roll it. The more you roll the larger the flower will be. I then hot glued them to the surface and wallah!

Stained Glass Jars

I absolutely love different shapes of glass and they double as cute storage so it's great, but I hate how they are all clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Well, since it is harder to find stained glass I decided I'd try a little DIY of my own. Using home made Modge Podge (Elmer's School Glue and water mixed into a paste) and food coloring. *NOTE* they are NOT water proof.

  • Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees.
  • Add a few drops of food coloring to enough modge podge to cover the whole glass
  • Stir and pour into the glass
  • Tilt the jar until the whole glass is covered
  • Turn glass upside down and let the mixture drip for 25 minutes
  • Cover pan with wax paper and stick jars on top
  • Bake in oven for 20 minute incriminates (if there is still some areas that are thicker coated then others put in the oven for additional time)  

It was hard to make them completely perfect, but the longer you stick them in the oven the better they cover. But then you face the color fading and not being as vibrant. When I did the blue I put multiple coats and stuck it in the oven multiple times. Overall I'm happy with the outcome. I did it on so many different shapes of glass I got from olive's, pizza sauce, honey, and so on. It's a great project for a rainy day.

Upcycled Antique Dresser

I've been redoing my room for awhile now. I finally got around to painting the furniture! Woooo! I chose coral as my pop color against the grey walls. I was doing a color report and read that coral inspired creativity so it was a win-win really since my room was also doubling as my craft room.

Before being painted, but after sanding and a little handy work from gramps.
Thanks grampy! <3

I took off all the nobs and sanded them down. I was on a hunt for vintage nobs, but was never able to find any so I decided to use a little modge podge and some old maps. I loved using the maps because it brought out the coral color and I was then able to use the other colors in the map to decorate the rest of my room.

The glass doors were really pretty, but since I was using the dresser for storage purposes for things like clothes it wasn't really convenient, so I brought in the maps again. I couldn't be happier with the outcome!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Classy Bow Tie Tank (Without Tutorial)

 Another one?! Yes! Another one without a tutorial. That's two in a row, I know.. I know.. But it will come soon! Pinky promise! *holds pinky finger up* Until then...


Showing my nerd love for my new creation. I was absolutely thrilled when I finished this and you will not believe how easy it was!

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Kara Clutch (Without Tutorial)

I know, I know... I just have not had time lately! BUTTT I do promise to bring you one soon!
Long story short my sisters roomate that I met over spring break loved what I had made Lauren so she asked if I'd do the honor of making her a clutch. Well, my pleasure!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Nike Nails: Just Do It!

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a Workout-Aholic. (Its real, trust me!) Wake up at 5:30 - do my workout. Shower. School. JROTC (Military workoutstyle). Gym. Home. Run before I go to bed. Call me obsessed, but hey! If I'm gonna be the first women's sniper gotta start practicing now! Well anywho, I have my workout "colors". Yes, just like in the olympics.. Mine are Purple, yellow, and lime green. All of my training shoes have to be these colors. Its like a signature thing. Well recently I purchased a purple Nike warm up jacket with lime green lining and zippers. Inspired by that was born....


Sunday, March 31, 2013

iPad/Tablet/Nook/Kindle Envelope Clutch

Whatever device you have or if you have a device at all; here is a post for you! My sister has a Nook and was looking online at clutches for them. She found a style that she wanted, but couldn't find a fabric. She told me to keep my eyes pealed on one for her. Later on that weekend on her way up to school she was in an accident and totaled her baby (a.k.a her truck). I was going to see her for spring break and I figured she could use a little something to cheer her up. She had looked at my fabric collection before and fell in love with a corduroy tribal print that happened to be one of my favorites as well. Aside from liking it oh so much I used it to make this. Yes, hold the tears and 'awes' please! She wanted it to look like an envelope so as usual I made my own pattern and attempted to create. The outcome wasn't so bad!

You will need:
1/2 yd of fabric (depending on the size of your device)
a second fabric for lining (the size of your device)
1 envelope
button, velcro, etc,.

 You need to measure the dimensions of your device and add 1.5". This may sound like a lot but you have to take in consideration seam allowance as well the thickness and you won't want the case to be too snug and have to fight to get it in there.

After you figured out your dimensions use the dissected envelope as your model. You do NOT want to trace it, but simply draw out the base first and then add the flaps and doors.

-Flap 2 will be 2" shorter than the width of your device.
-Flap 1 needs to be 1 3/4" shorter than the width.
-The length of the doors will be equivalent on each side, but they need to be able to reach the middle.

**Be sure to add the corners in the envelope like below. If not then when you fold it up to be an envelope they won't match up correctly. Then cut the pattern out and your fabric.


The lining needs to be the same length and width as the base of your pattern.
-cut 2
-sew the sides and bottom, leaving
an opening at the top

This needs to be the length of the base and the same dimensions of flap 1.
-sew the bottom of the flap to the other lining

Place the lining on top of your fabric (wrong side facing up) and fold the edges over and sew.

Fold the doors in to the center and sew. 
**When sewing be sure not to go all the way through to the back. 
Then fold the bottom flap up to the middle and sew again.

Now alls you need is a button or some other way to latch your case!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tank Top Refashion

You know those tank tops that have a cute pattern, but just don't look right on top? Yup, I have a few of those. They're such a comfy material and would be perfect for skirts. Well, whatdoya know? I tried it out. Easiest refashion ever. I'm sure of it. If you find one easier lemme know because I'm definitely convinced!

Step 1 in this easy peasy refashion, cut the spaghetti straps off. (Who came up with the idea to name these things spaghetti straps?! I'd also like to know that if you find that out, too!)  

Step 2 Turn inside out and put that puppy on! Take the top and pull it over making the waist even horizontally and pin once on each side and once in front and back. Take 'er back off and sew!

 Step 3 Put 'er back on! It should be a little big at the top so that it doesn't fit perfectly. Pinch each side with your fingers to get an estimate of how much you should take it in. Mine was approximately an inch on each side.

Step 4 take 'er back off (sorry for the on and offness! I'm just helpin' ya get your exercise!) Pin diagnolly making an angle for your waist to your hips then sew.

Step 5 For the last time put 'er back on! (but turn right side out this time!) And voila! Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
 Awe, Boo Bear is sawing logs! He's
not supposed to be on my bed
though! But who could resist. I mean,
look at him!

Here's another easy peasy skirt I made. I'm thinkin' Easter egg huntin' skirt! Whatdya' say? :)